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you you you. be you

Here's a "pep talk" I needed to give myself.  To anyone else listening in. There's all kindsa awkward parading pride for having unusual characteristics out there.  Artists, storytellers, weirdo stars.  But I just want to spell it out.  You can admire, even imitate, but the point is: BE YOU.  You, no matter who you are, are your own brand of awkward... maybe fits in too much even, at times, maybe perfect the way you are.  BE THAT.  Be so confident in your own skin that they want to be like you?  But share: Enough in differences that they become inspired, that they each of them want to be only themself.  Themselves.  To each his/her/their own.  "Be yourself!  Everyone else is taken" haha.  —Oscar Wilde No seriously.  Be yourself.  Find yourself, who you really are, and become that person.  Never stop being YOU, and if it suits you (transformation) continue to become that you as well.  But I say now, NOW!  Don't trade your future for your present tense.  Th

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