Deeply Superficial Layers

From Sep 25, 2020:

If you pretend the concentric rings are journeys from one point and around to its return, the tree cross-section would illustrate one continuous growth spiral from point-of-origin to now.  

Kind of like a Mayan Calendar.

Note.  There aren’t “good years” and “bad years”... just different kinds of growth.

From July 21, 2021:

I’m putting on my wisdom hat for a minute.  Bear with me:

It’s okay to be shallow.

We’re all just collected layers of superficiality.  Look at a tree and it’s rings: every level of depth *used to be* a surface.  So depth isn’t just about getting to the tender, ancient core.  (Although, yes, the trust and familiarity that makes that possible… is nice) 

It’s about how many layers deep you can go through (…to get there……if you will).  

I guess what I’m saying is, even in inner travel - it’s still about the journey, not the destination.

So next time someone you know is shallow with you, be patient and say, shallow: “we shall-allow it”

… and see where it goes.  : )
