Synthetic and Inventive Recombinants of Collective Culture
. . . An inventor doesn't conjure up something via science only because they didn't know that it already existed... (there is a Futurama episode to this effect featuring the Professor in which he dreams up a "Smell-O-Scope" just to find that he already thought of it and built it! Years ago...!) ahhh yes the days of watching Futurama...sigh...
Anyways, I think just about anyone could with no shame spend their entire life going about just learning (and experiencing from...) the endless landscape of already invented things. There is freedom there, and a kind of purpose.
I was wondering about the ambitious currently-in-development projects such as demonstrated in the TED talk community. Not because I plan to add to the excitement, but simply because that discussion is where the leading edge of culture resides. (It puts the "E" in TED.) I recently binged some ambient aesthetic electron microscope artistry. From the Polish design company "CoSMODERNiSm"
I'm not sure if this is science or art, but I like it so who cares!" (Please feel free to explore their @instagram or Vimeo sites and tell me what you think.)
I was particularly questing for cellular microbiology video... perhaps also for the purposes of acquiring meme/video worthy content delivery. Kinda like a microscopic, modern/fun/edgy version of "Meerkat Manor" from Animal Planet.
Perhaps also new aesthetic dynamics like contextual contrast, depth-of-field, and intuitive motion capture alterations/adjustments. This way, relevant features could (maybe with algorithm or a.i.) be culturally selected for their adaptivity. For their naturally, inherently enjoyable features.
But this will happen on it's own timeline! Meanwhile I am exploring OpenAI's new ChatBot and Midjourney features. one is a statistically synthesized all-encompassing Wikipedia-but-as-dialogue collection of human knowledge. The other is a good excuse to exercise our intuitive curiosity but based completely in representative vision. Note that pretty much everything imaginable, or specifically already imagined things (imagined by someone slash some-many out there), are possible as prompts for visual inventions.
It seems just a matter of time before every mode of expression is as dynamic, entertaining, artistic and responsive... as these two iterations (remember that I have no idea just how much is already out there that I haven't found) and if there is already a video stitcher that takes a synergistic conversation between the Chat and the Viz... and interweaves them into progressively organized, patiently educational pieces/streams... of content . . .
I'd be interested to know where or when that is!
...insofar as imagination is any form of directing our perceptual collectivity ... this may develop in this society or future "generations" of it.
Aaron Farber also said:
Perhaps the future is a dialogue between the past and present tense.
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