scroll scroll post scroll


It occurs to me that my world IS "media." So the suggestion to limit or refine my intake of media... it's not about what you turn off. It's about what else can I, should I, wouldn't I like to: turn ON. Anyone with me? Stuck in a scroll-loop?

Could you imagine scrolling through the contents of your own mind? Would you? That's literally a dream. And if the answer is "no" as if that wouldn't be infinitely entertaining, that wouldn't recharge your batteries... okay. that's fine. So you need to have made your world more external. You are extrovert. But still, you need the media of the senses.

It just makes sense. The trouble isn't with this media... this audio-visual multimedia, this linguistic-conceptual mind-altering, hopefully mind-expanding but certainly mind-occupying middle middle middle MEDIUM. This fantasy in between us. It really is constantly, consistently MAGICAL. But the trouble with magic is either I don't understand it,,, or I don't know how best to use it. To cast the spells worth casting.

I don't even know if I cast any spells at all. I don't use spell-check. I keep posting, and I keep scrolling, but there is little-to-NO interaction between the posting and the scrolling. This frustrates me. "Kerouac used to walk these roads / miles of type strewn behind him, so" just because, just because. The beats didn't miss a beat. But where, where is the music underneath this net, this medium. Is it really intertwining us? Or is it merely twining, threads all a-fray.

scroll, post, scroll scroll scroll post.

Spirit of the internet!!! I heard "U. B. U." and I continue 2B. Me. But every once in a while a question stings my posterior lobes. "Am I doing it right?"

Heed no Recog. I shall continue two bee in mice elf. And thanks 4 lettin, nettin, forgettin, blood-lettin' ... like please be my leech, for I would (you bet I would) ((how could I not)) do the same (((and ever do I fo sho)))


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