Power Symbols of an early dawn

Symbolic experiences.

We live in a media world surrounded by dreams, fantasies.  It is good.  It is enjoyable.  However, this question:  are things not how they seems?

Fulfillment can sometimes take you by surprise.  Almost five decades into this crazy life and I am learning this::  dreams DO come true.  SO.  Careful what you wish for.

This is so wildly true.  Allow me to expand for a moment...  when you chose the symbol of your day,, a color, a shape, a texture,,, an archetype, a spirit animal, a favorite artist...  you perform chemistry on the composition of your soul's path.

But you ARE you.  You will always be ... your true self.  That is not to say that your path cannot diverge, entertain amusements, even go wildly astray - who knows?  You might forget who you are.  Imagine how hard it is for your friends and family to discern among this kind of behavior.

Eventually... you find the good chem.  You find the recipe.  Things mix in ways that satisfy your deep yearnings, while saddling your daily needs.  

And ultimately, if you are on a path, and you keep moving, you will get "there" ... to the good movement of pathness.  Clop clop clop.

But in this world of make believe - I am telling my ancient childhood self - why not choose the power symbols that will mold and meld and satisfy in the long run.  You know what is real, and you know how painful the "wishful thinking" can become.  So don't do that to yourself.

As always, thanks for listening.  "Internet." lol.


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