Equanimity & "This is Nice"

These days I feel both things... more stoic equanimity toward challenges that arise; and, more genuine affectation for the simple pleasures, the everyday curiosities and affinities that make life worth living. Opposites? A paradox? Yes, and yes.

I find myself resonating with the basic starter-kit wisdom of the master of equanimity, Kurt Vonnegut. When that we have taken on our creativity, with the unabashed enthusiasm of both the amateur and the expert. We write a sloppy poem, we paraphrase a giant, we sing in the shower. We turn a plate of food into a piece of art. "You feed your soul, for goodness sake. You may not make a living doing it, but you make a life worth living."

And to share as when the universe it sometimes just goes and does it for you.  And so as to look to whoever happens to be to the left of you and say, "You know what? If this isn't nice, what is?"

It was a beautiful day today. An off-perfect January day in the Pacific NorthWest. I call it the "Spring Preview" it comes every once in a while. When you least expect it.

You know, I don't think the trees know what time it is. They just start blooming. I'm not totally convinced the little birds know either. They carry on a conversation like adding director's commentary to God's daily work. The daylight, the early fog, the morsels hiding in the wet grass. When it's the world you know so well... even if it's drenched in impossible deja-vu -- who are we not to paraphrase the mere grandeur.

Lemme tell you this: never let the professionals keep you from doing what you love, even if poorly.

Any true expert wouldn't flinch at a time-travel day to return to being a beginner. True passion is timeless that way. It breathes deeply to any wavelength, any frequency, any skill level. Cuz it's fun, that's why!

Let me give you another quote, if you will indulge me. From the great modern philosopher-king Nick Offerman. When discussing having an unbridled joy, a sense of humor about life... like a lifestyle of silliness. "Some people don't realize that's a choice. You can make that decision: to live silly."

(From the craft competition show "Making It" with hosts Nick Offerman and Amy Poehler. Like from Parks and Rec. Fantastic good-natured fun. 4 seasons of it. Big recommend... even if you don't yourself make arts&crafts)

But even if there are other days.  Difficult days... well I guess the more it rains in January, the bigger the rainbows in Feb.

Didn't really talk about the equanimity half.  Guess I'm a "cup half-full" kinda person.  Optimistic about the future.  Even "postivistic" about the present.  Seeing it as good, or just focusing on what IS good.


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