more Antisocial Media and the Zoom Cloud

I feel like I'm overdosing on the internet in a variety of unpredictable and deleterious ways.

But maybe... we all are?  ...not that that makes it okay.  

If everyone jumped off a bridge, would you ask them um, if they were going bungee jumping or something?  Or maybe they just got the pink slip at work, left the oven on and returned home to find a burning building... nervous system decided that this trigger stack was indecipherable, unsolvable,, and then there would be the last straw;

Walking away toward the fire department, a snarky kid in a hoodie gave a sly complement that could only have been intended as an insult.

And if there's mal-intent, your only choice is to take it that way, right?  "mal-reception" ?  Like when the bunny-ear antennae aren't pointed in the right direction toward the satellites, and everything comes in all fuzzy?

But no.  Our satellites are delivering full-quality streaming data.  All the time!!  (Don't jump off a bridge)

To re-iterate... many of us live in an "omnipresent cloud culture" ya know: we have infinite access to high quality content.  And many of us have been increasing the rate of that content immersion.  some due to Covid... gives people more of a chance to be antisocial and stay home kite-sailing the interwebs.

But.... 2 things.  1) Is it really "high-quality"? Clarification:  media these days is HI-FIDELITY.  Our wifi... is hi-fi.

2) does it have to be "antisocial" ...?  

Cuz after the dot-com boom, when the internet become like, a universal right.  There came along social media, and smart phones.  

Also subscription music services and art sharing platforms.  But that's just me.

We live in an omnipresent cloud culture, fragmented into millions+ "channels" ... it is up to you and me to get what we want out of the internet.

It's "have it your way" like that guy from The Oatmeal always says.  The internet of the future is a Soul Pancake cooked by Kid President and Rainn Wilson.  It's John Krasinski's "Some Good News" Network.

It's THE OFFICE, only we don't have to pretend we're selling paper products.  We *really are* just in it for the comedy, the competition, the romance and the absurdity.  And to some degree "quirkiness" (right Netflix?)

So to recap.  Like I said at the top.  I've been overdosing online media.  But I think that anything's possible.

So... wait... can someone tell what WEB 3.0 is?

Is it Zoom?  Is it finally putting the "social" back into "social media" ...?  Gosh, maybe that's just me.

Can we call it something else though?  Just to make some progress in the last half a decade:

Maybe "an omnipresent cloud culture" idunno, kinda clunky, I know.

In the meantime, thanks for being there... to varying degrees of safety, participation, imposition, demanding and even overbearing.  I like the safety, but sometimes I need the "overbearing" at least in micro-doses, to remind me to maybe ... think outside of the bun and make a run for the bookstore.

You do you!!  && don't be afraid to be even-more-of-you than you even know yourself.

Right Aaron?  Right, Aaron.  Signing off.  (But not really, ever)

.......I hope some day it really is a universal right to have your favorite content available.  Kinda like a library, for websurfers and cloud sailors.  "You've Got Mail, user" and a mailbox, and presumably, a home.  Perhaps in Geocities (retrofitting) so.  Where would you like it to snow today?  


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