Communication: what if we all shared ONE-collective-hive-mind


It's time for a good 'ol fashioned RAMBLE.

It's timmme to rummmble: aaron vs. aaron. Who will win?!

Let's start with a classic navel. An inward-swirling spiral echoing outward vortices from times of yore. That's right: let's talk about "talk" itself.

So what's up with this communication thing? It's easy to say things... but it's hard to listen! It's hard to listen with fluency and resonance and and responsiveness. Why's that? (if you're already tuning out, I'll take it that you agree. fine, you can go. bye bye see ya later)

I think the primary reason is this: we think in IDEAS... but we communicate in WORDS. And words are pretty good, but they differ from person to person. Plato theorized that those ideas were communicated from some perfect alternate dimension, "the idea-realm" where if I say horse, and you hear horse, we are both thinking of the same perfect idealized concept of "h-o-r-s-e" ... to spec. And based on the way we reason, he's not wrong. Four legs, tail, long face, likes to amble, trot or gallop. It's a horse! But in fact, if you have memories of specific horses that you've known, those are going to arise in your mind when I'm talking about it. Even though I have no such experience that you have.

So in that way, words have some kind of power. It's like they want to conjure together some universal-mind, collective consciousness kind of unity. And I'm not going to argue whether or not that exists, in some dimension, perhaps on some psychotropic substance. But in day-to-day life, your collection of thoughts and memories and concepts is unique to you and the people who have shared those times and experiences with you.

Which is a strong argument for why we like to spend time with people who we have shared some life-stories with. It resonates. We get the same stuff. We don't just understand each other, that way, we know that same stuff! Like, if there could be a coffee table book made up of the conversations and memories that you and I have in common, then that would be the weight and page-number of our friendship.
Not that acquaintances and total-strangers don't share some of the same mind stuff, too. But it's harder to know for sure. The trust isn't founded. There could be someone out there who is 75% compatible with you based on the common data (okay i know how lame that sounds, fine. you can go) but... until you spend the time reconfirming your congruity... how would you know?

...and then you have social media. the internet. "memes" etc. Plato would trip!! IT would seem that many of us are out to become fully cognizant representations of ourselves in the minds of our friends and followers. And I just have one deep+complicated question:


Cuz if the idea-realm was a real thing, and we were logging reference points or shared-energy with everyone - yeah, some of our friend-network, and some of our extended-and-random network ((question: to anyone who's read this far. do you meet random folk from around the world on the web? how does that go for you? i like this idea but it's new for me)) um if if... IF we were altogether part of the same incorporated mind amalgam. IF WE SHARED THE SAME MIND. the cloud is a thing. But what super-human-SIX-ARMED-superorganism-ANGEL sits on that cloud and plays the massively-incongruous hybrid-instrument HARP of this stupid chaotic MOB. lolololol. But it's fun to think about.

Anyways. I ask again. Why. And I'll tell why. Brianna Ruland got it right in a post a couple of years ago, and that started a nice little friendship. Cuz she understood something, and then re-iterated. And that's all I really want. But besides that, I just post here because the illusion that I am addressing a crowd gives me the pressure to be somewhat coherent and imaginative.

And I like that about myself. So... whether you are really there or not... thank you.

Talk to you later, Aaron


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