Weird individuals and Strange Sociables

Isn’t it strange how we as humans tend to love the same things that other humans love… even if we don’t know why those other people love them?  

But by the other token, isn’t it weird how a unique and special individual like you or me will develop a taste for something or other that no one else likes, except for people like you and me?

It’s weird to be an individual, and even stranger to be a sociable.

I’m gonna ramble on about this for a page or two, cuz I decided somewhere up the line that it is a thing that I like to do.  Why stop now???  But to your point — the more you say, the less you know.  And I’m working really hard toward knowing nothing.

EG I fully expect that at the end of this meandering exploration, I will know less about it than when I started.  And I have come to believe that by saying so little with so much … about some things that most people have decided somewhere up around their lines and sources are things that they already know, so then why think or write or talk or in other words project ideas about.  Don’t bother not disagreeing with me, okay?

So then, if I know so much about so little, does that preclude the notion of knowing so little about so much?  I sure hope so, because one thing I am sure of whether I know it or not, is that there *IS* … SO …Much.   …out there.  And it couldn’t hurt to think a little less and know a little more.  To your point.

They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I happen to think that as an idea too beautiful to hold on to.  I simply must share.  If at all possible.

Besides, whose idea could that have been to begin with?  Couldn’t possibly have copyrighted that one, boy…  “copy that.”  Over and down.

Like a rubber stamp.  There’s just something so undecidedly perfect about an idea that makes known as something to-put-it-bluntly “replicable” or like Wayne Koyne quoted Alfie as suggesting… “don’t just do what you’re told… go and try this at home”  and well frankly, humbly, I think that’s the meaning of the term “celebrity” … not someone who is idolized as so special and different, but rather someone who is celebrated as representing something of all of us that we all identify with proudly.  That we celebrate.  Even if it is utterly unique, there is nothing “foreign” about it.

(He is so strange…)

Okay I’m just about through 
a-rantin’ and a-ramblin’ 
But just one afterthought
To fill out the page:

Maybe we each start out as our own favorite celebrities.  May it be so.  Long before we learn to idolize heroes and alienate friends on the antisocial media.  Chuckle chuckle guffaw anteater.
