Life is a Miracle; Love: a Mystery


What if Social Media was like Real Life...

the way it develops:
You start out with infinite friends. Everyone who you meet you've known forever, because forever (for a baby) is literally right now.

So then I guess the process is as much *building* relationships as it is narrowing down love into trust into friendship. Like a sculptor finds the true identity of a piece of marble or clay.
...and discards the rest (into the public sphere... of perfect love)

Life is Impossible.
The conditions necessary,
the past and the future conspiring to
make Now possible.
And yet life merely, simply, vastly IS.
Insurmountable, unfathomable... easy.
That is a paradox, a mystery, a Miracle.
PLZ Throw away emotion with the weather.
My heart can take it.
Thank you!


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