Antisocial Media iCYWW (eccelentricity and non-abbrevity)

Dear Diary:  Hey there Social Media World!

It's been a while since I've updated my LiveJournal... and I kinda miss it!  I miss YOU!!!  ...but in case you were wondering, yes I have a Blog, and I will be posting duplicate there as well.  So go ahead and ask in the comments anyways, maybe I can come up with a different answer, just cus.

But in case you were wondering... my blog is called "Run-On Sentience" ... which is a play-on-words of the phrase "run on sentence" - substituting sentence for "sentience".  The playfulness is in the comparison of intelligence to a sentence that never ends.  Could you imagine your brain never-ending?  Perhaps it would be cryogenically frozen and then thawed a thousand years into the future, at which point you could get an insta-download of all of the accumulated knowledge of the past millenium you  missed.  Or maybe your brain and the biped, tripod-headstand muscle-bone-and-skein casing for it... maybe all of that material to your idea-based existence could be preserved like the mythical undead.  The question is, would you in-that-time be able to accumulate knowledge in a way that would amount to wisdom, ultimately?  Funny question.  Run-on Sentience!

iCYWW - In Case You Were Wondering.  I will not be using this abbreviation, or any other abbreves.  Why not?  Because I don't feel that knowledgable.  Or wise, for that matter.  That's okay, my ego is multidimensional, and modest too.  SO MODEST - that I am about to outline the ways I value myself so that I can deconstruct and dismiss them!  I hope that I can do that for your benefit.  You may find that you love yourself for reasons I am incapable of recognizing, replicating or developing on my own.  Or maybe you identify with some of the trends I walk or pave.  Either way, there's a wet ego in it, and its sink/swim/or grow legs.

The first point I will be addressing is simply and obviously mislabeled "eccentricitty".  That's because I have, at least as a "hat" that I put on, a strong urge to bend the rules of the status quo.  I like to do things differently.  Well that's why I have an apple iPhone.  The late Steve Jobs told me (and millions and millions of other people) to "think differently".  I almost instantly interpreted that as "don't think at all" and proceeded to put away much of my belief and hard-work into the trusting hands of a smarter-than-me-phone.  BUT I'VE GOT FREE WILL!  so that makes me better than Siri, Alexa, Cortana, Javiaero, or any of the up-and-coming first-generation of AI robots.  Hmmm... is this going on record?  "It wasn't me Agent Cortana!  It was an empty insult!"

So.  Eccentrixity is the second point.  The first point is non-censorship.  It's not exactly weirdness, cuz, it's not weird for me.  At least I don't think so.  I'm used to it.  I'm more used to it than you can/will/would have ever been.  So since I'm the most used-to-myself as anyone on the planet, I am platinum-rated normal.  Ultra rare but as perfect as can be.  AND YET... I am horribly, tragically normal.  Uh-oh.  Let me deconstruct:

My style.  I am what in the 90s was known as a "mook" and now, is fortunate to get enough recognition to momentarily be called washed-up, out-of-touch, and idkw.  In my mind, style is what you can get away with, that is to say, what no one notices.  As far as I was concerned, I pulled this off for most of my life by being aloof, oblivious, virtually invisible.  So: T-shirt and jeans, untucked, loose-fitting, and a cover shirt.  Open.  Cuz why.  Cuz why not.  Cuz cuz no cuz.

Cuz the problem with that is, no one knows what goes noticed or unnoticed.  It is largely an amount of ambiently assumed latent understanding (in other words, I'm an idiot who is recently becoming suddenly-and-abundantly aware of that fact) so it's the same as driving on an icy road.  The more you struggle against minor inconsistencies, the more you'll spin out completely.  You have to just go-with-it.  In other words.  If you can't fit in, stand out.  Stand out anyways, cuz, you do.  So do.  You.  You do you.  Do?

But I don't.  WE don't.  We are the new normal: anachronisms in a culture of increasing timelessness.  Remember yesterday?  Yesterday was so cool.  So long ago.  Remember 20 years ago?  Feels just like yesterday.  Actually, that's cuz it was.  Time isn't a collective imperative, at least in a heap of cultural ways - time is a choice.  Vintage and retro aren't costumes, they are ways of fitting into an amalgam of nonfitting composites.  We all belong, because no one does.

...My taste.  I like pizza, burgers, tacos, ice cream.  Liquid sugar and melted cheese are my bread and butter.  I also like bread and butter.  OH and health food of course.  The greener the better.  Avocados are my bread and butter and avocados.

So, as I said before, I tend to go on-and-on, and I have no problem going off-on-a-rail.  A sidetrack is a good way to get somewhere you had never considered a goal.  And what's a goal but an arbitrary limitation.  Not when you can get anywhere else in the world... AND BACK.  I break rules and I try to put them back together again.

I am eccentric but I also love normal things at least as much as the average normal human person.  I like words.  I like birds.  I like words that sound like birds, and "birds" that sound like "words".  Right Benny B?  That's music to my ears, and lyrics to my skull-sponge.

But is the thing itself normal to be eccentric?  Not like "its hip to be square" but more like, its just about as square or round or star-shaped to try to be hip, as it is to try not-to.  Cuz the more you try, the less you just-are.

So anyways.  I grapple with these things like a wrestler trying to open a poorly-designed candy bar wrapper.  It's fun for me.  So thanks for reading, and I'd be over-the-moon if you comment some snarky and annoying thing that puts me down in exchange for raising you up a notch.  However temporarily.  It's not my fault! I was reared into GenX and raised by MTV and sarcastic cartoonery!  
No but realistically, I just want you to say that you love me in the most novel but characteristically YOU-niversal way.  By the way, if I didn't get to it, thanks for being my antisocial media FRIEND, and eye luv ewe. 

Now I'm off to count sheep and wax poetic about the moon and cheese and whiffle balls.
~ *


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