The New Social Media (O'er the Ether for Real or Surreal)

This is the golden age of social media.

Soon, A.I. bots will be fully functional, and they will replace human interaction in the forums where little notes or texts or even just “likes” gave us those little warm feelings of comnnection.

Electronic “intimacy” will be replaced by mistrust and automation.

This is a blessing in disguise. When we grow... not tired really, but satiated, with the relative simplicity and predictability of virtual infinity, we will place a new and renewed emphasis on IRL interaction. Real world media.

It is then that we will be above and over the ethers. Over IT. We will champion each other’s presence and creativity, naturally superior to any machine’s filtration of it. It will be a new renaissance.

Ya know, that or augmented reality and dispersed computing will infiltrate every pore and follicle of our ever-thickening mental skin. And the machines will enslave us and quarentine us from our former destructive human superiority. And save the world from evil humanity! Oh. the humanity.


I’m just kidding around, life is a miracle of miracles and unfolding and blossoming technology is just one level of frosting on the stalactite layer cake of reality. (!!!)


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