Beanstalks and Throwing Rocks
You know what the world needs more of? Content curators. DJs, VJs, playlist jockeys... well I could stand to spend more time just looking around, but I've gotten so much good stuff just from automatic recommendations... imagine if that robot culture grew some taste and personality! What a great idea!
It also happens to be a strangely perfect time to study things like clouds and trees and stars and starfish. To take silliness seriously. Superciliously. That's what I always say. As of yesterday. It's a good time for it... it's also a good time to just chill and enjoy the passive vibes. Maybe some of both - simultaneously if you can span the paradox. Or alternately and ever so alternatively.
Cuz like, there are so many choices now. One possibility is to spend half your time choosing, like the kid at the buffet that takes a tiny bit of everything and forgets the protein. We kinda need a focus... those tend to be subconscious... at least the really good ones are, for a while... once uncovered, it's like finding your way back to the buffet table after getting lost at the party. Oh yeah, this is where we graze together lol. Like the island in the kitchen, it coordinates the culture. Food is just the excuse.
Content is its own excuse, ammiright? It kinda just appears and unfolds and leads you through a thing and then disappears and if it was really good, you wonder where that hour even went? Or, if it's painfully good, you can't wait until it's over and then it takes you years or weeks or an hour-or-so to realize what it is you needed from that chaos of a mess hall.
or you just change the channel. But sometimes they keep you on the edge of your seat all like - what is it I both love and hate about this, and how do they interweave so seamlessly... it's like someone found a language to awaken the empty space, and it's restlessly intriguing to imagine throwing rocks at that sleeping giant and wondering whether it will welcome you to its kingdom, or swallow you whole.
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