On Instantaneous or Delayed Communications (Re:Boot)

On the Varied Effects of Instantaneous or Delayed Delivery Communication (an exploration)

This is an inquiry or critique into the long term intentions as evident or disguised by the nature of the author as artist, or the philosopher as more direct explicant.  Motivated by the muffled "primal scream" once described "like bullets breaking glass in a silent movie".  It is a kind of perceived Death, necessary for a more consciously conceived Re-Birth.  At this point of liberty one would want to point out that "if it could be seen again in slow-motion, would the would-be victim have the know-how, or just know how, to jump out of the way at just the right time" TO SAVE HIS LIFE. 

 So suppose this to be a defense from or against the kind of prescribed thano-centric retro-precautioning that would induce a rapid-response recapture of life's value... that would make even the most impenetrable beast of a creature to keel over and catch their breath.  THAT WAS CLOSE.  Well if movies have it right, "life flashes before your eyes".  And in that moment in-between death and rebirth, wherein the hapless victim has the choice to become the contrite perpetrator, in that moment is infused what to-time-chained are, our, hour, line-walkers with so many hands of various proportion fulfilling arbitrary cycles around a subdivided circle, where and when chaos is incited.  Might not the dimensional mappings be reversed, three-dimensional or perhaps harmonic space would be linearly mapped through time in the most logically unfolding, no, the most beautifully engaging extraction of your heart’s memory.  SHE THANKED HEAVEN.  And thank heavens, because no matter where you are, and no matter when you will be, there is no place like home and there is no time like the present.

Unfolding.  Some things take time to understand, and other things make time understood.  We make time.  Understood?  That is something of our purpose.  You had a dream, we all did, a vision that took you far and away from what you know best.  It was incomplete for you, but now you know, deep inside, in the space just outside of these realms, of the first article of faith, writ by Shakespeare or whoever, “There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”  Your space is a place, and your experience is endowed with a Grace.  Your furthest outer-space is just as well the deepest inner-space.  Just as the hands on a clock face cycle, cycle, come full circle, so does your life’s work, your love’s play, end the begin with a return.  It is in the folding.  The mystery is not made to keep you in the dark.  And these things do not need be interrogated, recaptured or anticipated.  You are doing it.  It is happening to you, through you, and will continue to unfold as it is meant to unfold.  You can and BE CURIOUS for great things are yet awaiting those who are ready.

But why is the dark for dreaming?  What did I have to steal from Heaven to finance this return to Earth, shrouded as it is in my memory bank’s emptiness?  And can I ever give it back?  

You stole nothing.  You stole it from yourself.  Now you don’t have it.  You don’t have nothing.  You can no sooner give it back than you can refill a glass of water with emptiness.  What used to mean everything and nothing now means many things – some things.  Shoes and ships and ceiling wax.  Memes and vines, coconuts and limes, signs and sines and sighs and designs.  As has always been the trend in our history, and your development, to boot (or reboot) it once meant so much more – but so less often; now it means quite a bit less?  but so very more frequently.  Just pray or say or play along, that time’s sharpened arrow never hits its mark.  “The stars are the greatest thing you’ve ever seen, and they’re there for you”


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