ABC, RGB (a poem)

The world has turned
Today, this day

The sun is peaking
Tells me that it is

June at Noon
Midday, Mid-year, mid life

The middle of everything
Not just learning...
And far from over.

ABC, 123, #RGB

Mid-year, mid-life
But still it’s not my Crisis
Not nearly

Climate, Covid,
Justice for POC
Justice for everyone

ABC, 123, W.W.J.D.

7-11s are still open
World population
Approaching ten billion

Don’t count sheep
They all look the same
You’ll just fall asleep
And lose the game

If you’re not helpless
You can help

Knowledge is Power
And, But, Or, If even at all;
A friend in need
Is a friend...

Educate the weak
Empower the ignorant
+ ,  + / - ,  - ,
Share your affinity
With your friends 
When they push you
Beyond infinity
Past ends, and amends
Don’t underestimate the under-privileged
Don’t turn your back on those
Whose backs remained turned
In general

Because it’s not their fault
It’s the hand they were dealt
It’s what they were given
Or what was withheld

I believe that

If you only knew
What they can’t admit that
they’re missing

You would feel so powerless
Not to help them
In any way you can

In the world of Morality
More always makes more
Karma is real
And so is the environment

I guess Vulnerability is
The power to be helpful
By needing help
n'est-ce pas?

What’s the gift that keeps on giving?
Giving, itself!
Sharing = Caring

Friendship, beyond need
Affinity, in word and in deed

An idea indeed
(I borrowed that from Will Oldham)

As for me, I just need to remember
Every night, and every year
The darker it becomes
The more colorful the light gets


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