Owl Anon OA Meeting

Ok I am inspired to share something. Maybe I will learn something about myself, or maybe it will just be revealing and we will all learn about me. Wisdom is such that we should learn lessons the easy way - from those who have been there before (where you or I am headed). It is also such that we might, through our perception & anticipation, might scout out where we are headed like some kind of creature who can see into the dark future with big nocturnal eyesight foresight.

Hi my name’s Aaron and I’m an owl-caholic. I have been here before... we have all been here before. But wisdom is more or less new to me. In my previous lives I have only dealt with challenges as they have arrived... I have to admit that I have had my fair share, but I also have to admit that my challenges have been relatively few and kind compared to many, perhaps most people.
I am fortunate, I live a charmed life. That is an understatement. Whether or not you can hear it, I want to tell everyone that this existence is a blessing and a miracle and as perfect an outcome from the cosmic casino as we could possibly have hoped for. That is how I feel most of the time — and still challenges arise!

I have various vices that never quite disappear entirely from the unfolding possibilities and paths. And it must be disheartening for the fates that so much, after all of this luck and perfection, so much is still left to chance.

If I was actually at the cosmic casino — so many times I would have been ready to walk away from my winnings and “call it a night”. Know when to quit!

But reality is the gift that keeps on giving. You can’t just walk away. Not insofar as such.
But perhaps what I can do is keep the large part of my winnings, my stash (I’m not talking money here, surely you understand) and spend the rest of the evening at a lower stakes table. Maybe playing tic tac toe for quarters, something like that. There’s still a lot to learn and share there!!

I think that is the key code installation primer to this wisdom safeguard treasure chest. It’s not about what you or I need to abstain from. That would be easy enough... if only. If only there is enough action to keep us playing low stakes Life and enjoying it. This is how I know that such a thing is possible: there is no such thing! Even the lowest stakes conceivably possible are the most majestic and unlikely blessing bestowed upon the lifeless vast void - we get to be conscious! We get to live this life at the edge of oblivion as if it were our First. And in many ways, each time, it is. Still... the list goes on and on.

Boredom is a gift, too. It keeps us from freaking out about the aforementioned blessings of consciousness and existence. Here at the cliff’s edge of evolution, civilization, yours and my existence and education and... the list goes on.

Today is a good day because I am choosing to say this prayer of gratitude concisely. It is one that I’d like to say every day... especially on the potential cusp of any activity that seems or feels self-destructive. Because well... heaven knows that we only get this one go around, and fate is so ready to look the other way. It’s mind-boggling. That’s how lucky we are, to have this melo-dramatized free will that we get to play probabilities with.

I was gonna say something about good habits, the inherent rewards to productive instead of destructive activities... as our rational mind perceive them in the long run instead of our faulty immediate feelings of like say, incontrovertible drug effects like stimulus or depression that take away the power of our free will to build up such powers, and instead dole out those temporary and deceptive effects.

But I feel already deceived by my statements about this bold existence... I’d like to get to the place where it truly feels like I’ve been here before. The warm familiarity of a Home, Love, Promise, mutually assured fruition.

But I understand that those things can sound as far away as a past life to many, and defeating addictive behavior is as necessary heart math as choosing the lesser of a number of evils that are simply part of reality. As unavoidable as the good habits that keep us alive. Breathing clean air.

Drinking to stay hydrated. Eating healthy food. Or just eating. And admitting that life gets hard some times, and when it does, you might allow yourself the bargaining of a lesser evil to stave off ... who knows what. I’ve been there. And I remember leaning heavily into what seemed like the healthiest of dependencies, knowing that I had to be dependent on something. The point to choose a healthy dependency may have saved me before.*

Thanks for listening. I feel that authentic sharing must be one of those necessary dependencies. We are indeed social creatures. Our truths are interdependent. That is why I remain a part of this community and if I can listen to help out, or offer any advice, it is as perfunctory as this sharing is. Hi pleased to meet you.

* The idea that we need dependencies, whether they are safe or not, gives me permission to be a lifelong owl-caholic. Neither recovered nor recovering. O-A 4LIFE.

 Yoo Don Gno Mi Thanks, Aaron.

Aaron Farber  
** have you had La Croix essenced sparkling water? It’s so good, I can’t believe it’s not bad for you!

Yoo Don Gno Mi   yeah, I thought I introduced you to it probably. I was an addict for that. Kinda getting over it, I guess. I've been drinking more and more just plain old fashioned water.

Aaron Farber    I guess there is some desire to be free of any and all dependencies... if not for habits, maybe there are other reasons for taking of stuff, if not selfishly indulging. It is hard to do selfless things alone. Even meaningless stuff becomes purposeful when you are sharing it. So... thanks for sharing. It is good though right

Aaron Farber What kind of absorption is not self absorbed?Yoo Don Gno Mi I guess I would say absorption into action and service, or absorption into contemplation of the world around us rather than our own personal thoughts?Aaron Farber yah like the Self absorption, which is meeting of self and other, and perhaps time with the higher $elf... beats getting lost at sea in the absorption of the lower self



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