A Post for Post’s Sake

Hi!  Hello.  Hey there.  Howdy.  What’s up.  How’s it going?  How are you?  Howdoyado?  Allo allo allo ha.  Greetings salutations Shalom Salaam Peace be with you, pleased to meet you, good to see you again, Post-it notes ahoy!

That was the pre post.  If you’re lucky there will be a post post.  Post post post!

It’s been a while, so... “Say something Once... Why say it Again??” - Psycho Killer.  Qu'est-ce que c'est

Hi.  This is my post.  Welcome.  I’m determined to battle the dwindling short attention spans with a jotsam blast of purposeless purple prose.  If you’ve already hung up, how did you just read this?? No but if so, or you’re about to, just hear me out:

What happened to the epic soliloquy?  An endangered species.  Why hasn’t this caught on?  Remember how cool it was to channel surf the TV and only watch 20 second excerpts from all of the predictable programming? said no one ever.  It’s actually a fun game late at night as you’re falling asleep.  Try to weave together all of the one-offs into a slew of random ass sociations it’s like a ridiculous game of Mad Libs.

The Revolution will not be Televised.  But will it be on the Internet?  Is it already?  If so point me there, now, preferably as a kitten emoji gif deep dream scribble on a bar napkin through the looking glass darkly.

Anyhow.  Howdy.  Every once in a while I feel a slight ache in my hypothalamus, and I think about how I miss reconnecting with everyone, and I wonder what it is about that for which I really miss.  Because we could all be Here. Now.  Nowhere but Everywhere.  Over the ethers of space time in a liquid crystal pixel dance on our beloved little machines made of climate crisis and blood diamonds.

So for some reason I felt that ache tonight, and I decided to go to the park and sit alone in the dark.  Alone, but with everyone.  At least, precipitating the magic of being with everyone... yet not.  It’s an ache and an urge, it’s pleasure, pain, ambivalence and apathy to mask the seething need to give and get and give and get and isolate the nature of the mystery into a mason jar secured by a breathable layer tied shut with a rubber band.

Honestly, I feel better already.  I feel seen and heard!  By me, myself, and uh... YOU!!!  Hi!  Oh I didn’t notice you there.

See me posting?

Do you see me post posting?

I’m happy and embroiled in existential skirmishes through the dunes and the tundra, from the prairie to the plains to the planes and up to the starry sky.

Do you think one day we can harness the light from distant galaxies to illuminate our every crass and mundane desire on this bittersweet solilo quay into the ocean of black void?

For now, languish in the languor of language, lick your land legs and lift up your sky arms.  Happy scrolling.



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