Strung Out by HSGF

Question: which would you rather have, the latest masterpiece from your favorite artist, musician, etc... or a special photo or personal note, etc. from someone you love who is close to you... a family member, maybe a child of yours or a special someone...?

Mull that over while I think to myself out loud for a bit. It's a hard question, isn't it? Not quite as hard as one of those life or death, who would you save - one person your care about or ten lives you don't know. It has in common the fact that it's really never going to come into question. As for my question, you can pretty much always choose both, right?

Well I'll tell a little story. It's about what we have in common with the people we care about, and are we able to share those things... don't you really want the person you love to also love the things that you love, with you? But you can't always have both.

So I was in High School and I didn't have many friends, but I had a girlfriend. We were pretty different, but somehow able to meet in the middle. And you know how it is, when you like someone special, you find yourself putting aside your differences and learning to be interested in the things they're interested in... you try new things, you learn a lot, you look at yourself in the mirror and wonder, what happened to me, who am I really? This every happen to you? Well, so I was listening to J-Pop in my car and singing along with lyrics that I didn't even know the meaning of. Cuz they were in a different language.

Well one day, this all had to change. I was really excited about this local punk rock concert. "Strung Out" was playing at the Majestic Ventura Theater. I had heard their singles on some record company mix albums, and I liked their loud and sarcastic, stupidly heart-wrenching sound. I would've rather seen "Face to Face" or "Propaghandi"... I liked the bad-ass hardcore authenticity more than the shades-of-neon paintcan relationship songs. But I thought, this will be perfect, I'll take my girlfriend to this show. She'll get to see a side of me that I haven't been able to share, we'll bond and get closer.
(by the way thanks for reading, everyone out there in internet-land. Did you notice how in my last blast I said I'm lonely, and now I'm paying attention to how even a romantic relationship can have it's annoying and difficult side)

Well we went to the show, we got out of the car, and she literally sat on the hood of the car and folded her arms and glared at me. I didn't know what was going on. I think I had failed to share the meaning of why I liked this loud and obnoxious music, and she didn't care for it. And if it was this show or her... I was making the wrong choice. (Maybe if it was today, she would just go to a coffee shop and play on her phone while I went to the show. As it were, I had to take her home and miss the fun... and we didn't make up very well : (

So sometimes, you do have to choose. I guess, especially in our formative years, one's cultural tastes say a lot about who they are, or who they want to become. And I wasn't making wise choices at that age. I was being egotistical and isolated at the same time. Hmmm that actually makes sense. People didn't like me because I couldn't lower myself (to raise each other). It's that simple.

My next post is going to be about the anti-hero, how our favorite idols are able to speak down to us from their ivory towers, and bring us along instead of living in their own worlds of supremacy and condescension. ...orrrr, if anyone wants to make that post for me, I'd love to hear your take on it. This feels like an important exploration, and I can't wait to just think all about it. In my thoughts or yours. Thanks for reading.


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