Killing Time is an Adventure

As we rush headlong, heels aloft, flying like Superman if only for the split second we are found viably in that position, into this old time of the season, remember a few things.  Remember, remember, as you dance in perceptember...

Remember how many pieces of good-ass advice you scrolled on this path.  If each one of those was a personalized message scrawled on the back of a bar napkin, you’d easily have a ten-city phone book tour of truisms, aphorisms, axioms and platitudes for a wild variety of moods, some broods, for all you chicks and dudes and your actual ‘tudes.

As you receive, so shall ye dole out.

Remember your favorites, Rumi, Alan Watts, Yoda... 

Remember how good it made you feel to know that someone was thinking positivity most-continuously.  And then give props to your better angels and all of their post-it like you meme it ways.  Sweet like a pad of yellow office butter.  Making a scroll-jockey like me round with the fat-o-the-land.  Not afraid to say it.  

You might call out my habit and say I need to saddle up with a book or two, good old-fashioned literature.  ‘Be good for this snappy, snarky, yet deluded lack of an attention span.

You may be right.

But remember that we each have the right to be as pompous and pedantic as we please, here on this thing, just as we all have the right to listen or ignore such blabathons.  And perhaps even demand a refund of the time we spent wading into such tepid and cluttered waters.  Nah!  There will be no returns on time just as there is no pity for how much you, like me, may lay waste mercilessly, to corpses of time strewn about on the battlefields of cellphone screen regrett-ysburg.  I’ve personally bayoneted sunsets, clouds, pet pics and bad jokes like chunks of meme on a kabob... and those are the kind of fun I tend to tolerate slash enjoy (slash slash).  Still, killing time is killing time.  Time murderers anonymous... the season is upon us.  Remember what good and productive things you had planned?!  Good luck now.  You have my sympathies and you won’t wrench my empathies... the truth hurts.  I don’t know how much time I’ve mismanaged this way.  Maybe there’s an app for that (gulp).

I just said gulp.  I feel like shouting out to Gulpnap Panplug for no reason.

But remember this, my Flava Crystalz fans, whilst ur bees dancing in September, that life is short.  And your internet reading list is, too.  And as often as you look past it, for ye have reached the end of the internet, look past yet again.  Look past the window to your world that fits in your hands, and look out into the world without a window frame.  Imagine the technology!!!  360 degrees and a light show that never quits!  The way it ducks in and out of clouds, rises and sets, backlights and sometimes beams right-even into the surface of something beautiful, giving it a depth and resolution that could only be described as “phone-camera-esque”.  Cinematographic, is what I was looking for.

It’s so grand, it kind of looks like someone put black bars on the top and bottom so the horizon of the scene seems to stretch out into your peripheral vision.

How about my random raving rapscallionage extend into your peripheral vision revision supervision nuculur fission deserves popular derision.

But remember this:

Life is an adventure.  As the days get shorter, work gets harder, and vacation seems light years away, find the time for yourself.

Whatever that might mean.  And again, I’m talking  here to me, too.  Hope this is helpful.  As we like the hours get closer together and find we are bound to one another by traditional agreements, don’t be afraid to disagree and strike out on your own.  Even if you’re not an introvert by nature... don’t feel like you have to push your agenda on everyone just cuz you think it’s the best one.  Test it again on your richest of inner worlds and find out if you can receive the resonance and reflection that your intuition tells you is possible.

If it’s true, and not just a truism, it may lay waste to corpses of time even more dashingly than a heavily-medaled battalion soldier on the front lines of information excess.

Life is an adventure!  And

It’s a fight worth fighting.

And finally, if killing time is the new post post hangover, and a flock of crows is called a murder,

“Does this tweet make me look illiterate?”


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