Cultural Relativism

Q1: Do you believe in Cultural Relativism?

Q2: Just how much do you believe or reject the notion of the diversity of notions...

I must define my terms with other inaccessibly distant satellite terms. In the efforts of social media science, also known as liberally applied "art" or "talking out of one's arse, freely and without the burden of proof, statistics and measurement, or anything more reliable than this well-intentioned and often out-to-sea mind of mine". And I quoted. But... not sure why.

The deep and wide ethical sandbox would be about Good and Evil, or in the eastern mode, still a dichotomy but hinting at the give and take, Yin and Yang. The related question is, do they not Coexist by nature, defining and refining one another by virtue of their differences. Whether extreme disparity or minor diffs, we talkin' Cultural Diversity by nature of complementary and contrasting forces.
What do you mean Cultural? I mean, not just the biggest most important things about Life and All, but the little things. What's your favorite fruit? Who would you choose to act as you in a movie about you? What's your desert island mind medicine (one book, one movie, one album, or just whatever you can fit into a backpack)?

But to get back to the question of Relativism... these things are so differing for different people... Why? Is it Nature or Nurture?

I'm in a time and place, and maybe everyone else is too, not sure haha, where the Subculture is King. And I've been trying to wrap my head around that. But my head is way more like a melon than a pizza dough. Anyhow... Subculture means that whatever you really like, just you, that's cool. That's way cool. In fact, if you like it and I don't, maybe that's even cooler cuz of that. Cuz why should we all be the same? We used to be the same, and we got bored of that. Infackt, mebbe that be where cultxxral forces diggity dang came from. Were born. And raised. Out of. But in. And through.
There's nothing wrong with where you came from. Pizza is good. We all agree. But later on, if you're gonna go and have pizza again, you want to put sardines and roasted Japanese eggplant slices. Huh? Why's that? I don't know, because you can! And because it's fun. And you're bored.
But novelty is cheap in a way. It's easy to look at the new and different thing with a new intrigue, but oftentimes it's a gimmick. So what's the answer?

Subculture isn't about everyone always being as different as possible. It's about being as different as you have to be. But at least as much as that, it's about accepting and even embracing each other's differences. Minor ones, and some extreme ones too. Because life happens *just* outside your comfort zone. And then absorption, time to process, reintegrate - back into the comfort zone. Your CZ is diff from XYZ's CZ ... but they can still relate! And they want to relate. Because that's where life happens.

I call it "the cycle of random bullshit". Try this: (you too Aaron) if you find yourself in a rut, you don't have a lot of interesting friends, but you find yourself getting bored and you don't know why... think of something just a little different from what you're used to. Find on Pinterest or Reddit or the supermarket. And try it out. Try it on for size. If you feel a little weird, say to yourself, the world could end tomorrow, and if I didn't at least give myself a chance to (feel a little weird...) Would I really have lived???

Cultural Relativism.



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