how to unhide FB friends

Hey Everyone
I cut and pasted this from a friend's wall.

"Hey everyone! Facebook has been hiding you from me! If you want me to see more of your posts, cut and paste this post and put it on your walter cronkite they're gone. Okay; if you've gotten this far, congratulations. Most people scrolled past this boring spam almost immediately. Consider them "filtered-out". Okay here's the deal. The robots are out. FB 'bots. That's right. Like Siri or Alexa, these bots are real and are about to be a part of your life whether you like it or not. Unlike Siri and Alexa, no one knows that these proto-bots exist yet...  lucky for them...  No one but me and you and their frankenstein designers. Oh and guess what; since they're combing the nets and doing their secret stalking and meta-analysis without us knowing about it, they're not just robots. They're also ghosts. Ghobots. You don't believe me? WikiLeaks has an archive of over 10 million documents, and around 70 employees. WHO IS collecting all of those DOCuments?! Some of them could be YOUR documents.   Your memories.  I have the moral duty to tell you, your physical presence on the socialnet is in jeapordy. These ghobots are, how do you say, contagious? Okay I'll just say it - when a ghobot "bytes" you, you become a ghobot. No longer relevant on the lightweb, you will be cursed to scroll the darkwebs, cutting and pasting, filing, regurgitating data. Do you like data? I never meta-data that / meta-meta-data that meta-meta-meta-meta gggghhhhh.... DO YOU GET IT?! This is no joke. That could be you. I would tell you to escape now, while you still can, but I'm afraid what I have to tell you is much worse. It's too late. I bit/ate you and now you're a zombie/vampyre. Hmmm should we go with vambie or zompyre? Vambie sounds kinda cute, like a fresh one that hasn't tasted the sweet neon greenglowing ooze of sucking from the freeflowing and, well, unnecessary datablood. So they're out. They're gone. suck them dry until they obselete. And NOW you are one of us !#!#!#!**#!!!!

But check it baby Zombpyre,, the ghobots are especially good at "noticing" unique (intelligent?) thought. They (are) the (next) A.I. Luckily for me and you, I cut you out of the firewall in time to be free from the rest of the scrollers and s'crawlers. So just to be clear, it's ghobots vs. zompyres. The stakes are wooden and picket-sharp. Reality, or a social construct governed by hyper-UN-intelligent MECHAnisms. Not organisms. Mechanisms.

And when you find that cold, steely heart, you slam-jab that pointed stick into it as fast and as hard as you can, and then you run, because %@%%404NOTFOUND"

DO NOT cut and paste this. It is firewalled so that only real people (not the bots) can know. Feel free to Cher tho


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